"...prove all things; hold fast to that which is good..." 1TH 5:21
A Chronology Of Events Predestined For The Last Days Of History

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Following is a chronology of events predestined for the last days of history. The first event to occur will be the First Resurrection (CP Rev 20:4-6). This is also called the Resurrection of the Just (CP Lu 14:12-14), and the Resurrection of Life (CP Jn 5:28-29). The First Resurrection, of which the "Rapture" of the living church to Heaven also forms part, is when Jesus comes again to take all the Saints of God, Old Testament and New Testament alike, both living and dead, back to Heaven with Him, before the revelation of Antichrist and the onset of the Tribulation (CP Jn 14:1-3; 1Cor 15:51-58; Php 3:20-21; 1Th 4:13-18; 2Th 2:1-9; Rev 3:7-13). A falling away in the 2Th 2:3 refers to the Rapture of the Church, not to the Church apostatising, as so many Christians believe. The Church is the he of V7.
The First Resurrection brings this present Church age to a close. It could happen at any time - there are no prophecies awaiting fulfilment for it to take place. Paul knew that it could have happened during his lifetime and he was communicating that anticipation to the Thessalonian Church. Present day Christians should also be likewise anticipating it and communicating their anticipation to others too. (See also author's comments on Lu 14:12-14, Jn 5:28-29, 14:1-3, 1Cor 15:51-58, Php 3:20-21, 1Th 4:13-18; 2Th 2:1-3, 2:6-8, Rev 1:19, 3:7-13; 20:4-6 and 22:7 in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament, and his study The Rapture in his book Foundational Truths of the Christian Faith).
The event next predestined to occur according to Scripture is the Judgement Seat of Christ, which will take place in Heaven after the First Resurrection and the Rapture of the Church. This judgement is not to determine punishment, but individual Christian's place in Heaven (CP Ro 14:10-12; 1Cor 3:11-15; 2Cor 5:10). Every work of every Christian will be revealed at the Judgement Seat of Christ. Paul likens this process to a refining fire in 1Cor 3:11-15 that will test every Christian's work. Only works represented by gold, silver and precious stones will withstand the fire. They symbolise the works built upon the foundation of Christ. All works done independent of God are vain (CP Psa 127:1-2 with Mt 7:21-27 and Lu 6:46-49). See also author's comments on Mt 7:21, Ro 14:10-12, 1Cor 3:12-15, 4:2-5 and 2Ti 1:12 in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament, and his study Coming Judgements of God in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 1).
The next event predestined to occur is the revelation of Antichrist (CP 2Th 2:1-9). Antichrist is revealed after the church is raptured to Heaven, before the Tribulation, as we learned in our study on the First Resurrection. The revelation of Antichrist signifies the onset of the Tribulation, which is synonymous with the first half of Daniel's Seventieth Week that was prophesied in the Old Testament book of Daniel. Daniel's Seventieth Week represents the last seven years of this age. Antichrist rises up at the start of this period and enters into a seven year peace treaty with Israel which he breaks after three and a half years and then makes war himself with Israel (CP Dan 7:7-8, 20-21, 24-25; 8:8-13, 23-25; 11:36-45 with 9:24-27 and Rev 6:1-2_. For the first three and a half years of his seven years reign, Antichrist is a benevolent dictator, not yet the enemy of God. He becomes God's enemy when he sets up the image of himself as God in the temple - the Abomination of Desolation - which people are forced to worship or be killed, and then makes war with Israel, signalling the onset of the Great Tribulation for the next three and a half years, precipitating Christ's second coming, the battle of Armageddon and the events that follow. This is synonymous with the second half of Daniel's Seventieth Week (CP Dan 9:27; 11:31, 36-37; 12:11; Mt 24:15; Mk 13:14).
It should be noted here that just prior to the onset of the Tribulation one hundred and forty-four thousand Jews are sealed in their foreheads with the Seal of God, to ensure their safety in the Tribulation during the first three and a half years of Antichrist's reign (CP Rev 7:1-8). They are raptured to Heaven at the end of the three and a half years, before the onset of the Great Tribulation, symbolised by the Manchild to whom the "Woman Clothed with the Sun" gives birth in Rev 12. The significance of the hundred and forty-four thousand Jews is that they will be the first-fruits unto God out of the Tribulation of a new redeemed Israel (CP Rev 12:1-5). See also author's comments on 1Th 4:13-18, 2Th 1:7-10, 2:1-3, 2:6-8, Rev 6:1-2, 7:1-8, 10:1-7, 11:1-2, 11:3-6, 11:14-19 and 12:1-5 in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament, and his studies Daniel's Seventieth Week - the Last Seven Years of This Age, and Israel in God's Eternal Purpose in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 1).
Subsequent to the revelation of Antichrist, another human being, who John calls the False Prophet, will be raised up and empowered by Satan to work miracles on behalf of Antichrist. He will deceive people into believing that Antichrist is God by enabling the image of Antichrist - the Abomination of Desolation - which will be set up in the temple, to talk as God. Among other things, he will force people to worship the image and will behead those who refuse. Those who are beheaded will become the Tribulation saints. He will also cause people to take the Mark of the Beast in order to buy and sell. Both Antichrist and the False Prophet will be cast alive into the Lake of Fire to be tormented day and night forever after they are defeated by Christ at the battle of Armageddon (CP Rev 13:11-18). See also author's comments on Rev 13:1-7 and 13:11-18 in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament, and his studies Daniel's Seventieth Week - the Last Seven Years of this Age in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 1), and New Testament Prophecies awaiting Fulfilment in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 2).
At the onset of the Great Tribulation, during the second three and a half years of Antichrist's reign, God sends His two witnesses down from Heaven to earth to preach the Gospel. He recalls them to Heaven at the end of the three and a half years after they are killed by the Beast from the Bottomless Pit (CP Rev 11:3-11). The resurrection and bodily translation of the two witnesses to Heaven completes the First Resurrection which began seven years earlier. They are the last two believers to die and be taken to Heaven in the Great Tribulation. Satan is also cast down from Heaven to earth, precipitating the Great Tribulation in the middle of Antichrist's seven years reign (CP Rev 12:7-12). Two thirds of the nation of Israel will die in the Great Tribulation (CP Zech 13:8-9). See also author's comments on Rev 11:3-6, 11:14-19, 12:1-5 and 12:6 in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament and his studies Satan, and Israel in God's Eternal Purpose, in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 1).
According to scripture the next events predestined to occur will be the second coming of Christ and the battle of Armageddon. The purpose of Christ's second coming and the battle of Armageddon is to deliver Israel from complete annihilation by the armies of Antichrist and his confederation of nations who surround Jerusalem, ravish the women, and take half the city captive (CP Zech 14:1-3; Lu 21:20-29). God will even make it easy for Antichrist's armies to get to Armageddon to meet Christ - He will dry up the River Euphrates so they can cross over on dry land (CP Rev 16:12).
Although all the redeemed saints in Heaven and the angels of God - the Armies of Heaven - accompany Christ to the battle of Armageddon, Christ fights the battle alone, single-handedly defeating Antichrist and his armies together with Satan and the False Prophet. The battle will only last one day but Christ will destroy five sixths of Antichrist's armies. Their shed blood will flow for two hundred miles at a depth of approx 1.2m ...unto the horses' bridles (CP Isa 30:26; Joel 2:1-11; Zech 14:6-9, 13; Mt 24:27-31; Jude 14-15, Rev 14:14-20). After the battle of Armageddon, Antichrist and the False Prophet will be cast into the Lake of Fire where they will be tormented throughout eternity. Satan will be bound in chains and cast into the Bottomless Pit for the thousand years of Christ's Millennial Reign, at the end of which he will be freed for a short time to lead the last great rebellion against God. His armies this time will be destroyed by fire from Heaven and he too will then be cast into the Lake of Fire to be tormented throughout eternity together with Antichrist and the False Prophet (CP Rev 19:11-21; 20:1-3, 7-10). See also author's comments on Mt 24:1-3, Rev 14:13; 14:14-16, 15:1, 16:1, 16:16, 19:11-21, 20:1-3 in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament and his study Prophecies Predicting the Fact, Time, Manner and Purposes of Christ's Second Advent in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 2).
The next event in chronological order according to scripture will be the Judgement of the Nations. The basis of this Judgement will be the Gentiles' failure to extend mercy to the Jewish believers during the Great Tribulation. This Judgement will be to determine who of the Gentiles left after the Great Tribulation and the battle of Armageddon are eligible to enter into the Eternal Kingdom (CP Mt 25:31-46). The sheep represents those who will enter into the Eternal Kingdom, and the goats those who will not (CP Joel 3:2 with Zech 14:16). See also author's comments on Mt 25:31-46 in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament, and his studies Coming Judgements of God in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 1), Armageddon, Judgement of the Nations, Christs Millennial Reign and the Eternal Kingdom, and New Testament Prophecies awaiting Fulfilment in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 2).
Next in the chronological order of events predestined for the last days of history according to scripture is Christ's Millennial - one thousand years - reign, which is also referred to by Christians as The Millennium (CP Rev 20:4-6). He that hath part in the First Resurrection in Rev 20:6 refers to all the saints of God, Old Testament and New Testament alike, from Abel to the very last soul saved in the Tribulation. They will all take part in the First Resurrection and reign with Christ for the thousand years (CP also Jn 14:1-3; 1Cor 15:20-23, 51-58). Peter describes Christ's Millennial Reign as the Times of Restitution of All Things (CP Ac 3:19-21). The Times of Restitution of All Things means that during Christ's Millennial reign all things will be restored to what God intended them to be before Adam's fall. The earth will be delivered from the curse under which it now exists because of Adam's sin (CP Gen 3:17-18 with Ro 8:19-21).
In Ro 8:19-21 Paul is teaching that the whole creation - all nature - comprising both the animate and inanimate world, is waiting for the glorification of the saints, so it too may be delivered from the curse. The saints will be glorified when they go to Heaven with Jesus in the First Resurrection (CP Ro 8:28-30; 1Cor 15:42-44; Col 3:4). See also author's comments on Jn 14:1-3, Ac 3:19-21, Ro 8:19-21, 8:28-30, 1Cor 15:51-59 and Rev 20:4-6 in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament, and his studies Armageddon, Judgement of the Nations, Christ's Millennial Reign and the Eternal Kingdom, and New Testament Prophecies awaiting Fulfilment in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 2).
At the end of Christ's Millennial Reign Satan will be released from the Bottomless Pit for a time in which he will lead nations hostile to God in the last great rebellion against God, who will destroy them with fire from Heaven. Satan will then be cast into the Lake of Fire where he too, like Antichrist and the False Prophet, will be tormented day and night throughout eternity (CP Rev 20:7-10). See also author's comments on Rev 20:4-6 in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament, and his study Satan in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 1).
Chronologically the next event according to scripture is the Great White Throne Judgement (CP Rev 20:11). Contemporaneous with the Great White Throne Judgement will be the creation of a new Heaven and a new Earth (CP 2Pe 3:7, 10-13; Rev 20:1). "...against the day of judgement and perdition of ungodly men" in 2Pe 3:7 refers to the Great White Throne Judgement, when all the ungodly, from the beginning of time to those killed by fire from Heaven in the last great rebellion against God, will be cast into the Lake of Fire. The Great White Throne Judgement signifies the end of Christ's Millennial Reign pursuant to Him handing over the Eternal Kingdom to God (CP Rev 20:11-15). See also author's comments on 2Pe 3:1-7, 3:10, Rev 20:11 and 20:11-15 in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament, and his studies Coming Judgement of God in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 1) and New Testament Prophecies awaiting Fulfilment in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 2).
The last, but by no means least, event predestined for the last days of history according to scripture, is New Jerusalem - the Bride of Christ and City of God - coming down from Heaven to earth as the seat of government for both God and Christ in the Eternal Kingdom (CP He 13:14; Rev 3:12; 19:7-8; 21:2-3, 9- 27). See also author's comments on He 13:14, Rev 19:7-9, 21:2 in his book a Question and Answer Study of the New Testament, and his study The Bride of Christ in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 1).
In concluding this study it should be noted here that there are also numerous other predestined events occurring in the last days of history, but those listed here will suffice for the purpose of this exercise. It is not expected that everyone who reads this study will agree completely with the chronological sequence of the events, but being right or wrong is not relevant to salvation, so for those who are not in agreement entirely, let us agree to disagree in love.
(Final Version)
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