"...prove all things; hold fast to that which is good..." 1TH 5:21
Paul's Epistle To Titus - Outline Of Teaching

CP means 'Compare Passage' (mouse over to read passage)
First, let us acquaint ourselves with some details of Titus' background according to Scripture (CP Ga 2:1-3). Titus was a Gentle co-worker in the Gospel with Paul, and Paul esteemed him highly (CP 2Cor 2:12-13; 7:5-6, 13; 8:6, 16, 23; 12:18). Titus was obviously, like Timothy, converted to Christianity by Paul (CP Tit 1:4 with 1Ti 1:2). It is reasonable to assume that Paul was also Titus' Spiritual mentor, the same as Timothy. At the time of this Epistle Titus was on the Island of Crete where Paul had left him to organise the local Believers in Christ into an organised Christian community - the Local Church.
(CP Tit 1:1-16). In V5-16 Paul instructs Titus on the ordination of Elders or Bishops in the New Testament Church and the conditions they need to comply with first to qualify for the Office. He also warns Titus of false teachers who will arise in their midst (CP V5-16). See also author's comments on Tit 1:2, 1:4, 1:5-9, 1:8 and 1:15, and all related cross-reference Scriptures and studies referred to therein, in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament.
(CP Tit 2:1-15). The theme of Paul's teaching in this chapter is domestic relationships and Christian conduct. It is directed to both elderly and young Christians alike. V11 does not teach as some believe, that every individual who ever lived has heard the Gospel. It simply means that Christ's sacrificial death atones for the sins of all mankind. But it is efficacious only for those who accept Him as their personal Lord and Saviour. In V13 Paul declares the Deity of Jesus. His Blessed appearing refers not to His Second Coming as so many teach, but to His coming again at the First Resurrection, when the living Church will be "rapture" to Heaven. (See also author's comments on Tit 2:3-5, 2:7-8, 2:11 and 2:13, and all related cross-reference Scriptures and studies referred to therein, in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament).
(CP Tit 3:1-15). Here in the final paragraphs of his Epistle to Titus, Paul instructs Titus concerning Christian Citizenship, the Christian Ethic, and the discipline of factious Christians. He closes the Epistle with details of his personal plans, and greetings. (See author's comments on Tit 3:5 and 3:10, and all related cross-reference Scriptures and studies referred to therein, in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New testament, and his studies Righteousness Defined and Christian Ethics, and all related cross-reference Scriptures and studies referred to therein, in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 3)).
(Final Version)
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