"...prove all things; hold fast to that which is good..." 1TH 5:21
Christians - Dare To Walk On Water And Glorify God

CP means 'Compare Passage' (mouse over to read passage)
In concluding this series of Bible studies, Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 3), following is the author's personal testimony to God's unfailing Word and His faithfulness in bringing it to pass so late in the author's life. He truly is the "God of the eleventh hour" as He once described Himself in a prophecy the author heard spoken over a local Church Assembly where the author fellowshipped many years ago. To the author's mind, although this is not a Bible study per se, as a tribute to God and His infallible Word, it is a fitting conclusion to the teachings in this book.
Last month - October 2013 - the author celebrated his 85th birthday and in so doing drew closer than ever before to the doorway to Eternal Life. He still regularly exercises with daily walks unaided, albeit they are much shorter, less frequent and increasingly slower than they used to be. He does not have a sick bone in his body, praise be to God. Old, yes, but sick no. He has yielded himself solely to Jesus for healing his body and future good health after quitting all forms of medication and medical treatment by doctors almost 6 years ago, soon after his 79th birthday. In fact, his last appointment with a doctor was 18th December 2007. It was as a consequence of what the doctor said at that time that caused the author to determine in his heart to exercise faith in God alone for healing, and not in doctors and medical treatment from then on, although he had been diagnosed with several extremely serious medical conditions requiring ongoing daily medication.
During his conversation with the doctor at his last appointment, the doctor, a dear brother in the Lord, described the author as a "walking miracle", which was a complete misnomer - totally inaccurate - and it greatly troubled the author to be described as such. Only God and those he empowers work miracles, not doctors in their own power. Until then God had not entered into the author's calculations for his healing in any shape or form. He was totally reliant on doctors and medical treatment. But God does not use doctors to work His miracles. From a Christian perspective it only requires faith in God to perform His Word and He will do it. This is not said to denigrate doctors in any way and the work they do, but to direct Christians to the teachings on this subject in Scripture (CP 2Chr 16:12; Jer 17:5-8; Mt 9:20-22 (also Mk 5:25-34 and Lu 8:43-48) with Mt 14:34-36; Mk 16:17-20; Jn 14:12-14; 15:7; 1Cor 12:28-29; Jas 5:13-16 and 1 Jn 5:14-15). The clear teaching of Scripture is that for Christians to exercise faith in God to perform His Word in their lives, means first and foremost, they have to believe in the inspiration and authority of Scripture; that God only says what He means in Scripture, and means exactly what He says, and act on it. If they profess to believe it but do not act on that profession of faith, they are in fact repudiating the Word (see also author's studies Prayer, Faith, and Healing in his book Foundational Truths of the Christian Faith. See also author's comments on Mk 5:24-34, 16:17-18, Jn 14:12-14, 15:7, 1Cor 12:1-11, 12:28, Jas 5:14-15, 5:16-18 and 1Jn 5:14-15, and all related cross-reference Scriptures and studies referred to therein, in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament. Also see author's study The Inspiration and Authority of Scripture and all related cross-reference Scriptures and studies referred to therein, in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 3)).
After determining to quit all medication and medical treatment by doctors and rely solely on Jesus for healing and good health from then on, the author took it to the Lord in prayer. Here it was laid on his heart to first count the cost. Second, to remember the patience of Job, and third, then to get out of the boat and walk on the water (CP Lu 14:28-29). Although the context in which Jesus spoke this applied to the cost of discipleship, it also applies to the author's situation in exercising faith in Christ alone for healing (CP Jas 5:10-11). The author took this directive from the Lord to mean that notwithstanding he would be completely yielded to Jesus for healing and his future good health, the devil would still attack him, but never give up on God. If He be for us, who can be against us (CP Ro 8:31-32 with De 28:1-14 and Psa 91:1-16). See also author's comments on Lu 14:28-35 and all related cross-reference Scriptures and studies referred to therein, in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament. See also author's study Psalm 91 in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 1).
Now let us see what is involved exactly according to Scripture, for Christians who dare to walk on water and glorify God (CP Mt 14:25-31). Sadly, many Christians in the contemporary Church have failed to grasp the real significance of what Scripture is teaching here. It is not about impulsive Peter's failure to walk on water as so many think, but the reason behind his failure. It was because he stopped focusing on Jesus and the authority of His Word. Instead he focused on his circumstances, and they completely overwhelmed him (CP V30 - 31). This is a warning to every Christian in the professing Church aspiring to walk on water and glorify God, against focusing on their circumstances in life rather than on the living God and the authority of His Word, who bids them to walk on water in the first place and empowers them to do so, as Scriptures throughout clearly teach (CP Gen 1:1-31 with Ro 4:17, He 1:1-3 and 11:1-3, 6; Nu 23:19; Isa 55:10-13; Mk 11:22-24; Jn 14:12-14; 15:7; 2Cor 10:3-5; Php 4:6-7; 4:13 etc., etc).
All that Christians have to do to walk on water and glorify God is to exercise their faith in Jesus to perform His Word. That simply means acting on what they say they believe. Hence, the author's next step in exercising his faith in Jesus to perform his word, was to cancel his medical and hospital insurance cover, to which he had contributed for many years. It also means remaining focused on Jesus and the authority of His Word, not on the circumstances of life (see author's comments on Mt 14:22-31, 21:17-22, Jn 14:12-14, 15:7, 2Cor 10:3-5, Php 4:6-7, He 1:1-4, 11:1 and 11:6, and all related cross-reference Scriptures and studies referred to therein, in his book A Question and Answer Study of the New Testament. See also author's study The Six Days of Creation and all related cross-reference Scriptures and studies referred therein, in his book Advanced Studies in the Christian Faith (Volume 3).
(Final Version)
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