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Testimonials Page


If you would like to write a testimonial of appreciation, please email as at:

Dear Mr. Val Boyle,

This is Ken Johnson with Creation Ministries International (CMI). We are one of the oldest and largest biblical creation ministries. First, I wanted to thank you for the tremendous resource you created for the body of Christ. A can tell a lot of work went it. You have a ton of material from typology to advanced Bible studies, etc. Since we appear to share the same theology, I have bookmarked your website as a resource.

Secondly, CMI is involved in a campaign to educate the public to a higher degree about the age of the earth and your assistance would be most helpful.

If you could be so kind to link to our "How old is the earth?" article at http://creation.com/how-old-is-the-earth from this webpage of your website http://www.bible-truths-revealed.com/adv64-THE-SIX-DAYS-OF-CREATION.html we would appreciate it. The article was written by Dr. Jonathon Sarfati and it features two informative videos as well.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me and I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Ken Johnson
Creation Ministries International (CMI)

Good Day

I would like to thank our dear Bro Val for this great and rewarding work of showing the world the true meaning of LIVING A LIFE FOR CHRIST. I have done so many studies and found this so helpful. I encourage you to keep this good work. I read that our bro is late, for sure he will be an angel to many.

I conduct a cell group and will use this material to guide us.

God bless.

Pravin Rajbansi


Dear Sir

I came across your site while searching for online Bible course/study.

To say that I’ve been richly blessed and challenged by your studies is an understatement. I love Bible commentators/teachers who are ‘hard’ where the Bible is ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ where the Bible is ‘soft’. I have downloaded all your studies in PDF format and hope to soon be financially able to print out all of them and bind them.

I know that God's revelation to man is incremental and that the revelations in the Bible are inexhaustible. Please update your studies as soon as new lights come.

May I know why NKJV is your translation of choice.

God bless you and all your readers richly.

Ifeanyichukwu Ogbonna


your ministry is of a great blessing to my ministry here in nigeria,the resources i get from your site helps alot in my missionary work, i now have opportunity to brodding my knowledge about God. thank you God bless you

Praise Our Lord God and Savior!

Dear Brother Val Boyle

I praise Jesus and His work among us, using His vessels like you pastor Boyle, to transmit the Wonderful Word and Message of God, in these days of much dispairs on the whole world. I found in the Internet your work, and down loaded all the lessons and pretend study those itens in my free time.

Thank you very much, and May our Savior and God continue to bless you and family and your ministries for Jesus. Halleluya,

Praise the Lord!

Paulo H.K.

Okinawa Japan

To Mr Boyle

Thank you very much for this site. It has brought me back To the essentials of Bible reading and pursuit in following Christ's Commands through the power of the Holy Spirit.

With so many preachers in our time, some are teaching half truth, while some are purely heresy and commercialism, the Christians of this generation are already confused.With this spirit filled and contextual teaching, it helps us to realize the truth in the bible and find out the wrong teachings of this generation.


Ernie M


I am Chiledozi Ajomiwe By name; i found your site through divine directives of Holy Spirit, I want to let you know that the good Lord have richly bless you and your generations in Jesus mighty name I prayed for you Amen.


I just happened to stumble on your Bible Study webpage. I just started reading it and I'm in love with it. I like the style, the persuasive approach in presentation, and so on.

I see some things that I believe differently, but I'm pretty sure you'll be open for a constructive discussion on these points.

Thank you for your effort and your love in making this much needed material available free on line.

May God bless you.

Emmanuel Zizi

Sent from my iPad

Dear Bro Val,

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I hope you are well and doing the work of the Lord. I certainly appreciate you for your hard work in providing the materials for those Christians (like me) who are truly seeking God and His Word. I have found your work to be sound doctrine thorough and most comprehensive. After reading a book in the with my bible study group, we use your material as a question and answer guide. I would like to know if you have the rest of the chapter covers for the N.T.? You have made available the first 8 and I appreciate it very much. But I’m putting your work in a binder to give to the group. Thanks again for all that you are doing for Gods people.


Eraina Smith

Dear madam/sir

It’s been almost a year where I searched for a proper study on so many questions.

Things that God has revealed to me, which I feel is just changing my life and hopefully even more so the people around me.

I am happy to say that I have downloaded all the foundational studies and through that reaching many people’s lives and to hope that The Holy Spirit will invite them to Seek God and to challenge many of the tradition that the world or maybe the people of God has brought upon themselves. Which is not from HIM and certainly not His heart for His Children.

Thank you so much

Hannes Pretorius


hello my name is althea and I found your site by accident I was going crazy looking to find answers for revelations and while looking through so many that came up on the laptop I picked yours I am so happy because I am learning so much of things that I could not figure out and by george I am pleased I just want to take this time to tell you, thanks and please for people like me who wants to know more about the books in the bible the real meaning and most of all about god thank you very much

Hi my name is Paul Emmanuel....i just want to say thank you for the website bible online it has inpired and encouraged......may God bless you in a mighty way.

Dear Father in Christ ...

Thanks you somuch for your valuble lessons .. I have downloaded all lessons .. Thank God such a wonderful man of God. Your Lesson on Faith Gives Very new knowledge on faith .. All your lessons] on my all time meditation ... Thanks a lot ...... May God Bless You

G.wilson from India ....

Hi this is a really wonderfull site. Will surely make use of it in the future.


Albe V

South Africa

Thanks for very insightful and scripturally accurate teachings. It is such a blessing to me.



ATTN: Br Val Boyle

Hi I just wanted to thank you for such a well thought through and well written paper ("To tithe or not to tithe"). I found it both helpful and encouraging and could only fault a couple of beliefs:

But otherwise I was grateful for this paper. Thanks for putting time, effort and love into this. I like that you didn't simply 'bash' on people who teach tithing but rather dealt with it intelligently. I read many other articles on this and yours was the most informative.



(Last Updated 07/03/2011)